I realize I’ve been neglecting Scientific Mindfulness of
late. It’s not that I’ve stopped blogging. Instead, I’ve shifted my focus to
two other blogs: The Art and
Science of Living Well and Science-Based
Psychotherapy. Recently, I came across an article that bridges SM and
Science-Based Psychotherapy.
University of Massachusetts’ Michael Treanor, who is a grad
student I think, published a review
of the overlap between mindfulness and exposure therapy. Exposure
therapy is a topic I have a particular interest in, and I think there’s
great potential for ways in which mindfulness can enhance exposure-based interventions.
Treanor’s article is pretty technical, and there’s no way I
could offer a basic summary. However, it’s a very important article, in that it
examines how mindfulness may be used to improve exposure-based treatments for
anxiety disorders. For example, mindfulness may help develop awareness of
multiple cues, both internal (e.g., bodily sensation) and external (e.g.,
situations, places), which may help with generalizing exposure treatments. The
effectiveness of exposure-based treatments has plateaued in recent years;
although it’s not certain mindfulness may change that, it does offer one avenue
for exploration.
As I mentioned, this article is not for the faint of heart.
However, I encourage you check it out if you’re interested. It could help to
jump start several labs.