Monday, April 12, 2010

Metacognitive Therapy for ADHD

Also in ADHD news: Medscape Today posted an article about a 12-week social skills group intervention that exhibited reductions in inattention in a sample of adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The treatment was metacognitive therapy, a newer cognitive behavior treatment that helps people recognize maladaptive patterns of rumination and worry. In metacognitive therapy, clients are taught what is called "detached mindfulness" in order to them move towards a decentered relationship with their thoughts and respond to experiences with greater attentional flexibility. Detached mindfulness facilitates greater flexibility in relating to thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. In the study, the experimental group was matched for medication use to a control group that received supportive therapy. This study offers strong support for the use of a mindfulness-based intervention for ADHD.

You can read the full story here if you're signed into Medscape. If you're not signed in, you can still access the story if you Google the key terms and click on the link from a Google page. Other online publications such as Science Daily have also run it, but I think the Medscape posting is a little more precise.

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